a friendly and growing community of gardeners.
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Hi My name is Tracey from Alabama. I live in Hardiness Zone 8b.
I have a lot of houseplants, most which are currently living under the label of "Patio Plants".
My family and I live on 5 acres and have quite a few plants on our property. For me it seems to never be enough!!! It has become an addiction. When I'm stressed I dig in the dirt, when I can't sleep I dig in the dirt. I have been known to be outside repotting plants or working in a flowerbed at 3 am..
Years ago, I ruled with a black thumb. I killed everything I touched .. So I stopped.. A couple years ago (with some more age on me) I gave it a shot again.. and well now you can see where I am with it mentally. I do so much better than in my earlier attempts.
I'm happy to be here to visit, share and receive tips, just hang out with others who understand my "need" to garden.
Tracey, this is certainly the place to do that. Join right in. I envy your location in some respects. You have a long growing season and don't experience too many blizzards. Our growing season is rather short and we do get frost fairly often in the cold months. Our snow can immobilize business and traffic occasionally, but not nearly as badly as our easter cousins.
Thanks for the warm welcome Randy. We do have a long growing season.. We NEVER have a blizzard, and we only get a light snow about every 10-12 years.. When it falls you have to see if before you go to sleep because it will be gone by the next morning.
We do get some frost, but not alot. This year has been the worst in a long, long time. It DID snow this year in February.. I missed it because I was in New Orleans. I didn't mind!! It was the first year in my memory that we got below 20 degrees F and stayed there for two weeks.. It took out some of my tropicals, or so I thought, until they started coming back from the roots this Spring!! I was delighted!
I'm glad to have found this site.. Hope to make some new friends. Will you be my friend ?
Welcome aboard Tracey!
You found the right gardening forum which is caulk full of gardeners with plant additions!
If you have any questions feel free to ask!
There is usually one, or more, of us on-line at any given time!
Hi Tracy good to see you here. We have almost all gone through a black thumb period from time to time. But how are you going to learn if you don't make mistakes.
Welcome to the site! I'm a newbie too! I've had that "black thumb" problem with a lot of plants. I think I killed about 9 or 10 banana plants just trying to learn to grow those.
This is a great place with lots of very friendly and helpful people! See you in the threads!
Welcome Tracey
So glad you have joined us. I had a black thumb and still do on some plants which I can't seem to grow. Lots of knowledge on here. Hope to see you around the threads. Lots of members in the south that will be able to help you with your gardening questions. I'm in zone 5
Hi Tracey,
Welcome! We are glad you are here. You can see we all pretty much share you addiction to plants and gardening. You will find a great group of sharing caring people here. We look forward to you becoming a part of the Gardenforums family
Hi Tracy haven't been here in a couple day's .Spending time with my daughter and her hubby they came up from Fl.Before he deploy's Sept 7th.
I'm from Alabama to little bitty rink ding town called Opp.I have a nephew and his family in Mobile.He's in the Coast Guard he's been gone awhile working with the oil spill.Glad to have you here.We have alot of great people here more like family.Can alway's help with your question's .Someone will know.Hope you stay with us.
Spider Lily.. I know exactly where that little rinky dink town called Opp is.. Its a bit northeast of me.. One of my longtime best friends has alot of family there.. Both her parents were from there.... Not sure if the name will ring a bell, but their last name is Hataway... Thanks for the welcome...
Hi from Indiana and WELCOME aboard. Sooo many wonderful and knowledgable people on here. We ALL have some form of plant/gardening addiction. And yes I too have been known to set up work lights so that I could work in a flowerbed at 2am! My honey thinks I'm crazzy sometimes until he sees the end results and then I'm Aammazzing!! LOL Take care and I'm glad you found us, Becki
Hi Tracy and you are welcome here. I am from a small town in Arkansas but have called Houston my home for 33 years now. It is a pleasure to have you have join use. Gardening and making friend are two of my greatest things to do. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to