Lets share pictures of our gardens!

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New Member
I thought is would be fun to share some garden pictures, so here are a few of mine... I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures that you all add to the thread... Dave


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Looks great Dave. I have to search for my camera manual today, it isn't working now and I want to see if it is something easy to fix before I spent a ton to get it repaired. Your taters look great!
Thanks and good luck with the camera... We have had record rains all April and much of May, and as you can see, I've not been able to get at the weeds... Today however I've run the tiller between rows and am able to get in and hoe.. Dave
Dave we have had an awful lot of rain as well. My tomatoes are the best thing I have growing in my garden. Will share some photos soon.
Lookin good there. I just pulled all my onions and garlic. Garden has a huge blank canvas! Storm is wreaking havoc on my garden there may not be anything left to take a picture of by the weekend :(
Here's one of mine..onions, cabbage, peas and corn.


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Yeah... The first picture of the thread... My oldest granddaughter would flip over those cabbage... Very nice indeed... Here is the one she entered in the fair last year... She has six growing in my garden for this years fair....Dave


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WOW!!! You all have some very nice looking gardens, wish I had one, I just plant in boxes and pales, only way I can do mine, not enough room for a big garden like your's.. here's a picture of my sweet potatoes in a crate I had laying around, sad but hopefully it will work for me..
Very nice cabbage, Ironknee's grandaughter! I don't let mine get that big...hehe.
I was right tickled at my sis-in-law last week, she said she and my brother cooked one of their cabbages and it was so tough they couldn't eat it. Looking at their garden, I didn't see any missing from the row. Being curious, I asked "you have another garden?" No..well where did you get the cabbage? She said..the leaves, we cropped the leaves. I'm still laughing!!! The head is still there, just the outside leaves are gone! And just think..my brother is older, suppose to be wiser and he's cropping cabbage leaves to eat!
Gloria you would think he is old enough to know better. You can have a good chuckle!!!
Dor, those potatoes look great! It doesn't matter what you plant in..as long as you can reap a good harvest. Good work.
Gosh... Haven't even visited my own thread for a few day here... Been really busy.. Yesterday I was on a tractor for 5 1/2 hours helping with planting since our area is WAY behind... Now I'm sporting one of the best sunburns I've had in years... :( Guess this old retired airline pilot really has been "put out to pasture"... :p Anyway, here is a shot I just took of my garden... Dave


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I'm not even through planting yet, but I think I will be after today. I got a little bit of a sunburn yesterday on my arms and neck, but not enough to be uncomfortable. My knees are pretty sore from being on them so much yesterday though.
That is an awesome garden. You are way ahead of me, at least 2 to 3 weeks. Looks like there is some good eating there. Are you trying to say, "the old gray mule ain't what he used to be"? What all did you help plant? Inquiring minds want to know.
Ok you asked for it! Here are my garden pictures. First picture are brussel sprouts, tomatoes, zuc's, potatoes, and red cabbage. Second one is corn and beans. Third one is my radishes. I just planted all of my root crops on saturday and everything else on sunday. Will be a couple more weeks before everything comes up.


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Oh my gosh!!! I think I found someone other than me who likes brussel sprouts!!! Nobody else in my family likes them but I love them in butter!!!

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