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I'm looking for hollyhock plants and candytuft plants if anyone would like to trade or I can pay shipping, thanks, Karen.
just started some...

Hi, I just started some hollyhocks in the greenhouse -- I think they are 'country romance' they are just little babies right now not tough enough to go anywhere but if you pm me and remind me in a few weeks when they are ready I would LOVE to trade with you. Take care, Becki
I have had great luck with HH seeds. They do well for me just planted where I want em.
I have seeds if you would like em.
I'd love the seeds if you don't mind sharing I give them another try that way, the problem is during the winter they die and don't come back up in the spring. maybe I need to dig them up and put in pots under the deck not sure what to do about it? I'll pm you my address.
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