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I 'm recycling my tomato and grape containers, they are now terrariums for which I am starting my Basil seeds in. I lined them with coffee filters to keep the dirt in and so far it's working hope my seeds grow.
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A woman after my own heart!
I re-use the same plastic containers!
If it's plastic with a lid, I'll use it!
If I run out I use freezer size ziplock bags to put my sown pots into!
OH! hadn't thought about those ziplock bags, guess I'll wash those with the dishes and give it a try, thanks Ron.
I always plant my seeds in 4" pots and put in those cheap chopsticks in the pot then tent them with ziplocks. The chopsticks keep the bag from tipping over
KyaD I've done that also use clear soda bottles for tops on 4 inch pot that works too.
Super Moderator
Staff member
I always plant my seeds in 4" pots and put in those cheap chopsticks in the pot then tent them with ziplocks. The chopsticks keep the bag from tipping over
I just inflate then as I zip them closed!
They stand up on their own!
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
I just inflate then as I zip them closed!
They stand up on their own!
this is what I do also...also if I need it over the top with a bit of air ...I stand it on end over the pot and then zip up to the pot at the bottom
Super Moderator
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Super great idea! I love recycling!
Super Moderator
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Nice thing about ziplocks is that you can use them over and over again. Best to wash them between use and sterilize with some bleach!
Wow..I dont feel as frugal now. I do the same thing and start flower or veggie seeds in them. I recently put my tomato seedlings in a container that I will give to my sister for her garden. I always get stuck starting seeds for my 2 sisters! Im the green thumb in the family. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to