a friendly and growing community of gardeners.
We feature a
Garden Discussion Forum and
Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.
the "image verification" capcha took me about 15 attempts to join the group. i now have a "toomer" from it.

i would recommend to make it easier to see. some of the letters and digits are reallllllllllllllllllllly hard to see. ok, deep breath.
hello all. i think Bernie invited me. thanks, rick
Hi Rick I am really glad you perserviered (sp) cuz we are excited to have you join our gardening group.
Jump right in and enjoy
Hi Rich I am glad you got in finally. So Sorry about the Letters and numbers but Bob had to add that to the sign up program as we were being attacked spammers when we first opened this site. Bob and all the Mods were spending most of our time Banning them little jerks.
Petaluma was an old stomping ground of mine many years ago. I lived in Glen Ellen and Santa Rosa for many years and do miss that area.
Welcome to GF I hope you have no more trouble with the site but if you do need anything please feel free to touch base with any one of our Mods We are all very happy to help you. See you around the threads.
Super Moderator
Staff member
Rick glad you were able to join us. We have a great time, lots of laughs and we learn a lot from our gardening buddies here at Garden Forums. Let me know if I can help you.
Super Moderator
Staff member
Hey Rick so glad you stuck it out and finally got here. We like new faces around here. Glad to see you.
Super Moderator
Staff member
Sorry you had such a hard time joining Rick. We're glad to have you with us at GF. Jump in and enjoy!
Super Moderator
Staff member
Welcome Rick, sorry to hear that you had such a hard time registering. Glad you were finally able to register and made it here. Jump right in and make yourself at home.
Hi Rick glad you joined us here.There's lots of old and new friend's here.Jump in and have fun.
I have problems with those capchas, too. I thought it was my eyes going bad until the neighbor child was trying to set up a gmail account and couldn't read the one she had, either.
Well, anyway, you made it! Welcome!
Hi Rick, Welcome to GF, there are a bunch of great people here, so sit back and enjoy your self.
Hi Rick
I grew up in Napa ..We live in salem or ..Welcome to the group
melanie aka oremudpie
Hi Rick, glad you made it! Welcome.
Hi Rick and welcome, you'll have a great time here!
Hello and welcome Rick. So glad you decided to join us. Jump right in and make youself at home.
Hi Rick glad you finally made it. I finally figured out what a capcha is. ROTFLMBO! I usually have to change the zoom level to maga big to read those things. Hope you find the person or persons you were looking for. Even if you don't join in you'll enjoy it here.
Hello! we drove through your town last July on our roadtrip after spending a couple of days in SF. We live way up here in BC, but our hearts are in California!!

Welcome from the Hudson Valley of New York, Lots of great people here. I too have trouble with those letters and numbers in disguise.
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Hello and Welcome to the group....Lok forward to getting to know oyu ...Jump on in and enjoy!
Hi Rick,
How fortunate you are to live in the "poultry capitol". I'm a tad jealous.
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