Post your rose finds here! a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.



Only down fall...
The price is higher and costly if you are a rose nut like me.I bought them last year for 3.99 and about a week or 2 later @ 1.99.
4.49plus tax... just under $5.00 don't know what they will have, it is always hours to get to the bottom of those huge boxes...I found one New Day last year! It was a true bloomer.Grandiflora indeed!
Started blooming by early JUNE! What a delight:D:D

Now for the $$$$$ *LOL



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Sams club...roses!

She (NewDay along with several others) started before the 16th that was the first pic I found before my time ran out to post...*LOL

I have been wanting to share!
Hubby saved his tips *lol

And look at what I have!

$7.88 plus tax at Sam's Club earlier this past Sunday..!


My most expensive ROSE from Hubby Bubby!
Dont know what he was thinking,:eek::eek: I just looked at it and said look at this, Gypsy! She is so beautiful,he said I'll buy it for you ..I said what!?? No Way!
With what money *LOL
I have tip money I'll buy it for you.
I exclaimed are you sure it is 7.88! I never pay that for my roses.. He said give me the rose I will buy it ..

I am so excited!!!

Now where to plant it !:D:D;)
She is going to be simply delightful!

What have you for the 2009 Rose buying Season!??



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Gypsy is a beautiful rose Kale. It is one of the two that I lost. I am still looking for one. I am like you I don't want to pay a whole lot for them. Walmart had some pretty 2 gallon ones yesterday $8.29 but I am looking for the $5 or less ones. The Farmers Market didn't have any out.
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Do you have Sams Club driving distance!??
7.88 you clearly stated...
A beautiful Rose!

Aldi's will have them next week.
Did you click on the link I posted?
You can find out if there is a store near you!

We don't have Aldi's her, too bad. Yes I have Sam's Club within driving distance. I can drop by there tomorrow after Mid-day Bible study.
Dor! That is where GYSPY comes from...only one AND>>>> HIDDEN...

I'm a treasure hunter *LOL

I don't give up until the see the last one ..there she is a she isn't she???*LOL
Dont want to go callin her a gal is she isnt*LOL

If you have rose season now.... they may have it!
Costco had their roses out weeks ago,the price was 14.99 for Angelface tree rose!
They also had several others in tree form ..can't remember I purposely blocked it out due to not being able to buy them; no sence in sobbing..*LOL
I melted... but can't afford that...I figure try to make my own tree some day*LOL

Let me know if you go and if you BUY ONE!

Only one at that price!*LOL

Kale :)
Sorry just looked through my pics again..That is not new day.

That is SUNBLEST!(new 08 also Grandiflora)
I picked the wrong pic..
New day is slightly different.
I thought it looked a little strange...
Here is NEW DAY for certain *LOL



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tongue in "find" was a trail of potting medium leading to my now bare-rooted recently purchased rose next to a happy, tail-wagging mutt in my neighbor's yard. This was yesterday morning when I went out to warm up my car. I temporarily planted it until I could get home last night and plant it properly. If it survives, I'll have to get you guys to identify what kind it is. Never did find the identification information OR the pot it was in! I do know I purchased it at Lowe's a few weeks ago for close to $7
All of my rose bushes but two are setting buds. I can hardly wait till the blooms open. I know it takes awhile but it is exciting. This weekend I will be working on the north side of my house getting it ready for the rocks. I'm taking out the grass and rocking it in. I am thinking I should be able to get the grass out this weekend and then I will be able to move on to another project.
tongue in "find" was a trail of potting medium leading to my now bare-rooted recently purchased rose next to a happy, tail-wagging mutt in my neighbor's yard. This was yesterday morning when I went out to warm up my car. I temporarily planted it until I could get home last night and plant it properly. If it survives, I'll have to get you guys to identify what kind it is. Never did find the identification information OR the pot it was in! I do know I purchased it at Lowe's a few weeks ago for close to $7
Did you put it in water??
Trim when you are ready to plant unless chewed on!
So sad..
Post ..We may figure it out!

Lyn, Are you having fun!
If you are putting down rock I am compelled to advise you to put Heavy Duty plastic down first!
My rock garden has caused me all kinds of WOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't imagine ever doing that again.I used limestone for the butterflies ...they enjoy basking in the sun on them*lol

The larger rocks if it is small.... would be ok I'm talking 2x2feet that is it!
IF weeds and grass get under and between the rocks you will have hours upon hours of work..Your fingers will be sore...

I'm sorry I just had to view my thought *LOL

Never will I do it again!
I could never get them out so.... each year hours of work!

Kale, I didn't put it in water. It occurred to me, but I thought that leaving it in water all day might not be the best thing to do, so I dug a temporary hole in a soft soil area, watered and planted it there. Since replanting that night I've been checking on it every day. It doesn't look any worse but not really a whole lot better either. I'll just have to wait and see what happens. For future reference, should I have put it in water that day?
It was in dormancy correct? If yes,
as long as you buried it good and watered well (not too cold water...)It would be ok for a day or so.

Have you Planted it yet!

I personally would have put it in water but my schedule is flexible and I would have planted it as quickly as possible.
I said water because water seems to sooth and after being chewed on by a happy pup*
it could have dried it a bit being on dirt with wounds, not a good thing.
Hybrid Teas need to soak in water before planting. Soaking would give you a few hours to get that hole ready for planting, clean any wounds, trim and prune where ever needed.Don't trim too much..

You can help it out:) it you will be fine, I'm quite sure!

I got roses for $.99. $2.99 with $2.00 store credit at Menard's. I plan on buying some stone later this year so will need the $2.00 store credit. I bought 8 which was the limit. Earlier this year I got some at Kmart for around $4.50. I splurged and bought one at Walmart for $6. Got 7 planted and still have 9 more to plant. Gonna be in Chitown for the weekend and we are suppose to have snow Monday and Tuesday...ughhhhh!!! So hopefully will get them planted next weekend....they are happy in the unheated garage and will get greened up and leafy in least the 7 I got in March did. I saw some at Big Lots for $3 but didn't see any I wanted. I will post what I got after the weekend. I think one my be New Day....or maybe New Year....I don't know....I know I got a Chicago Peace, Peace, Angel Face, some Damask rose, Oklahoma, can't remember the others...will post later.....have a wonderful weekend, rose buddies!!
Yes Wal*Mart!
Just left wrote a list to find out WHO I WANT TO GET!*LOL
I still have Aldis tomorrow to go to!*LOL
I can only get 5 tops!*LOL

Here is who I saw so far don't know of some ...

Perfume Delight
Gypsy ********** I just was gifted one!
Red Master
JKF *****
Gene Boerner
Summer Snow**
Golden Masterpeice

It is fragrance and Blooms more times the better!!!!

Going to BIG LOTS!

Kale, I went to Sam's Club after church today and found a pack of 2 Double Delights for $8.47. They are bare root but that is ok with me. I looked all over the store and didn't see them with the gardening items. When we were getting in line to checkout I saw some plants at the front. I looked on the front side and found none I really wanted. I went to the back of the shelving unit and sure enough there were several Double Delights. Now when I find my Gypsy I will be in Rose Heaven. I will buy more but I expecially want the Gypsy.
Here's a picture of my two Double Delights. I think I will plant one at my oldest daughter's house.


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Thats pretty!

My mom bought me 2 from Menards for .99 cents each. One is orange and the other one is orange and yellow.

Dor the red and yellow is very nice!:D
If I have time this morning I will let you know the *end results* of my rose seeking tour last Saturday.

Myfedora, Welcome,not sure we met...:)
Rose pics for ...the orange and the other one orange and yellow.?

**Dor, is the Double Delight actually going to be red?

any gotta haves from the 1st list?

Perfume Delight
Gypsy ********** I just was gifted one!
Red Master
JKF *****
Gene Boerner
Summer Snow**
Golden Masterpeice

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