The Bluegrass Bunch a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

I would like to go and work in the garden on these nice days but can't this year. I was wondering around out in the backyard thinking about what I want to do this spring. I have 2 weeks till I can use my right hand and then we are going to schedule the left hand for surgery. It won't be as bad as the right hand but it will stop my playing in the dirt for another 2 weeks. My doctor was very specific about staying out of the dirt. I really am missing the dirt. but I don't want any infection in the wound either. No strain on the hand either. I can't do a full workout at curves. I can only do about half of the machines since I can't grip anything. but I still do the ones I can.
Peggy, I have to admit, I think that kind of stuff is fun. But one of the best parts is that I can show David a better way to do things. His Dad never did spend any time showing him anything about working around a house, so he doesn't know much about maintenance. But he is getting better and he is pretty proud of himself now in the respect he can at least change a light fixture and get it right.
I agree totally many kids today aren't taught how to do so many things that make life simpler and less wear and tear on the body...
I really enjoy that sort of stuff also... I did lots of rigging back in my day at work teaching apprentice iron workers... At the time I was an oiler on a crane that I was learning to operate...
David is very blessed to have you and I know that sort of pride that shines in the window of the soul...

I went to my oldest grand daughter Brittneys'18th birthday party last night...I can't believe my babies are growing up so quickly... I am so proud of her. My next oldest grand daughter will be 17 on the 22nd and then Cliffs on the 23rd of this month... I am preparing a special celebration for them together...

lynn I wish you were closer hon i would sure come help ya out... til then ya can study and plan...just don't be over working them til its safe...

Have a good day everybody... Keep on smiling, living, laughing, and enjoying the gift of this day...

I agree totally many kids today aren't taught how to do so many things that make life simpler and less wear and tear on the body...
I really enjoy that sort of stuff also... I did lots of rigging back in my day at work teaching apprentice iron workers... At the time I was an oiler on a crane that I was learning to operate...
David is very blessed to have you and I know that sort of pride that shines in the window of the soul...

I went to my oldest grand daughter Brittneys'18th birthday party last night...I can't believe my babies are growing up so quickly... I am so proud of her. My next oldest grand daughter will be 17 on the 22nd and then Cliffs on the 23rd of this month... I am preparing a special celebration for them together...

lynn I wish you were closer hon i would sure come help ya out... til then ya can study and plan...just don't be over working them til its safe...

Have a good day everybody... Keep on smiling, living, laughing, and enjoying the gift of this day...


Peggy I hope you have a good day as well.
Iron workers! Yes, the rigging is a big part of that job. Most of my experience came from two areas. One was in moving rooftop units from the ground up, but most of it was in the erection and taking down of radio towers. I have helped mount antennas on the large TV towers, but the actual erection was done on amateur radio towers. There were 4 or 5 of us that would do that on weekends to help earn money for our radio club. I don't belong to the club anymore, but I still hold a license. My radio call is WN7W.
I sure wished you lived closer so I could learn from you as I don't know how to do alot of things around the house and have to hire someone to do them for me or depend on family and friends. I want to learn how to do more but with my hand and elbows problems I've had for the last few yrs I haven't been able to do anything. Still got some curtain rods to put up but I can't hold the drill. A friend offered to help me with them. Now to set up a time.
Hope everyone is doing good good and staying warm. We've got some frigid weather coming our way next week, it's coming from Alaska. Boy they are having some really cold temps. Does anyone remember Doug in Alaska?He told me the low was -38° at his house and his son has been out working in -58° temps as he works for the railroad. Snow on the way for us tonight and tomorrow.
We had sun here yeaterday and what a treat it was...
I grew up having to fix things around the house...I feel blessed I learned it all...was really rough on Michael though when we first got married...he was the old fashion man...and had to learn how to share the tasks....LOL
I remember Doug. He lives or lived in Wasila. I think that was where Sarah Palin was mayor. We also have some acquaintences there (commercial fishermen). Their daughter was roommate with our granddaughter the first year at George Fox University.

I'm glad we are going to have a nice day today. I got my truck out of the hospital yesterday, so I have some wheels again. David got quite a bit of the fallen branches cleaned up and I got the small gas-powered chainsaw working in time to help. I have an electric one also, but you have to drag a cord around with it.
It was 70ish degrees here today. This warm day is going to be the only one for awhile, at least a week. Next seven days will only be in the mid 50's. Come Friday night suppose to be 18. Hope everyone stays safe and warm.
YIPPY...not alot of sun ...but no rain and temps were nice all the stuff off the roof of the house and the yards cleaned up...Mike is patching the roof that had the branch through as I we will be rady for the next storm to hit...LOL
It was warm today so I did get outside to do a little dirt digging. I have so many changes I want to make this Spring. I just don't know where to start. One thing is that I want to make my back yard a little more snake free. I know that sounds weird but I have a pond. The pond is a man made or machine dug pond that connects to a wooded area on one side and to my back yard on the other. It attracts snakes as they evidently love to swim and get water there. Then they slither into the yard and hide in the flower beds, under steps or what ever just waiting for my little dogs or someone to walk by!!! So far, I've seen them first! These are not garden snakes but the poisonous ones. Like water moccasins and rattle snakes. I've got to make some changes.

Debe, glad you're making good progress at getting things back in order. If I were closer, I would have given you a hand.
It was warm today so I did get outside to do a little dirt digging. I have so many changes I want to make this Spring. I just don't know where to start. One thing is that I want to make my back yard a little more snake free. I know that sounds weird but I have a pond. The pond is a man made or machine dug pond that connects to a wooded area on one side and to my back yard on the other. It attracts snakes as they evidently love to swim and get water there. Then they slither into the yard and hide in the flower beds, under steps or what ever just waiting for my little dogs or someone to walk by!!! So far, I've seen them first! These are not garden snakes but the poisonous ones. Like water moccasins and rattle snakes. I've got to make some changes.

Debe, glad you're making good progress at getting things back in order. If I were closer, I would have given you a hand.
Gloria sounds like you had a wonderful day. It was 70ish here. I worked for a couple of hours before I called you. Then had errands to run. Came home and went out to eat dinner. So at least I didn't have to cook again tonight. Hehehehe
I did have a good day, anytime I can dig in the dirt, I am happy! I have company..or rather Randy has company right now. His son is visiting and I'm just giving them some "man" time right now.. I'll call you tomarrow so we can finish our conversation if that's ok.
I did have a good day, anytime I can dig in the dirt, I am happy! I have company..or rather Randy has company right now. His son is visiting and I'm just giving them some "man" time right now.. I'll call you tomarrow so we can finish our conversation if that's ok.

That would be great Gloria.
We are really fortunate that we do not have any poisonous snakes anywhere near us. There are rattlesnakes further south and east of us, but this is too far for them to slither.

Debe, MF has been quite concerned about power losses. We lose the capability of having water when we lose power and it would/does require a 240 volt power supply. CostCo just sent me a blurb on a power plant for $800 that would fill the bill. I know David wouldn't have a clue how to hook it up, but as long as I am here, I can do it. I ordered it and I figure it will show up in the next 10 to 14 days.
Randy, I remember when we lived back in Cave Junction on 34 acres onn the river...when we lost powere we lost everthing...that is when all the camp gear came out...and we would haul water up from the river and boil away...biy to be young...LOL

thankfully here we still have water when the power goes out....and with the wood heat ...the only thing I miss is a morning cup of Joe...;)
i can cook as i have a gas stove and i can light the burners with no power but i'm like Randy, no power, no water, when they are talking that we might lose the power, i try to fill the tub up so i have water to flush the toilets with and i keep jugs of drinking water on hand.
what did you order randy? i want to get a generator and have it wired in so i just have to turn the switch off and start the generator up. i would like to get one so i can run the furnace and the water pump and maybe the puter so i won't be so lost without
debe i always keep some folgers instant coffee bags in the house so i can heat up some water and have some coffee if we have no power
we've got about 3" of snow so far and it's still snowing
my 7 yo nephew is going to be playing hockey at half time at the maine pirates hockey game today so we are all going. not sure if the pirates are the bruins team or another team now, they change all the time as to who they are under. i know our baseball team is the red sox
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I've got a question.... How many sites is the Bluegrass Bunch thread strung over now?

Wes all I can say is "As many as it takes!!" You know we love to fellowship. Hope you can find a good deal on a generator. We have a generator and city water but we have had our water freeze at the meter once and that was not a good thing.
I've got a question.... How many sites is the Bluegrass Bunch thread strung over now?

I know of only three, Wes.

Laurie, I saw other generators on that website where I ordered the one for $800. We used to sell and install gas powered generators the last place I worked. When installed, they come on when the power fails. They don't have to be switched manually. Then there is an isolation switch that disconnects your electric panel from the utility service. Feedback from a generator can be fatal to a lineman working to restore power. I'm sure you can also get the generators that are diesel fueled also. I have seen some big ones used on remote radio repeater sites on mountain tops. The repeater sites are where most emergency radio traffic is relayed. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
