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Here are some of the pretties that are gracing my yard.
Campanula Blue Waterfall and Glomerata Superba
Thanks Kya....everything is doing very well this year with all the rain. I put three new beds in over the weekend and am starting to fill them in. Have a friend that started working at a greenhouse this year and she is getting me all kinds of wonderful things. Can't wait for them to grow and bloom so I can share them with you guys!! Most exciting things this year are a few new coneflowers...Pink Poodle, Green Gem, and Milkshake. Have gotten some pictures of some the coneflower that is already blooming and may go ahead and post them. Coneflower is another one of my favorites. You know what...I love them!!!
Very pretty. I love the Astible. I planted 3 last year and I see all of them are up so am anxious for them to bloom.
Love your astilbe Melly. They are all gorgeous.
I love the Astilbe also...especially when it gets all fluffy and feathery. Mine doesn't last long after that though. I hope yours blooms soo.n for you Kinnika and you get different colors
I just planted 8 new astilbe and the are starting to poke out of the ground. I can hardly wait for them to bloom.
I love all of your pics.
Love all your pretties.The Astible is beautiful.Hot and dry here having to water to keep everything alive.Nothing look's good now.If anything it's early in the morning then down hill from there.Glad to see your pretty flower's though.Give's us hope.

oh man...we have been having thunderstorms everynight...the weather alarm has been keeping me up. The ground just keeps sucking up all the rain here though...haven't had to water much. Not wanting to send my rain your way but hope you can get some of your own. Will send ya our humidity though

oh man...we have been having thunderstorms everynight...the weather alarm has been keeping me up. The ground just keeps sucking up all the rain here though...haven't had to water much. Not wanting to send my rain your way but hope you can get some of your own. Will send ya our humidity though

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Staff member
We're having the same weather with less rain!
Nicve to see you as just Melissa!
OMG...I never noticed...Thank you Ron!!! Melissa is smelly no more!!!
Pretty pictures Mel, thanks for sharing!
GORGEOUS PICTURES!!!Thanx for the postings melissa, i am drooling over your astilbe...mine might be that pretty next year, they are only a year old now...please keep those pictures coming, i can't wait to see your coneflowers!
Here are some of my delphinium. Guardian Lavender (1 & 2) is my doesn't get very tall so it stands up nicely without having to stake it. The Fountains Sky Blue (3 & 4) is my favorite colored one though. A new one, Delfix Blue (5), says delphinium but it looks like what I have always called Larkspur. My Pacific Giant always falls over before I can get it staked up, so no pictures of it this year...I have Black Knight and Galahad White. Seems it grows too tall over night.
Ooops...6 & 7 is Magic Fountain Lilac Pink/White Bee and 8 is Magic Fountains Dark Blue/White Bee
Here are a couple of baby foxgloves is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to