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no your the frosting on the cake randy...........its a wonderful day now that you have found your way over here.......I hope to see you now and then.........
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If you are around here, Miss B, I can't see how I could avoid you even if I wanted to. I had a pretty good idea I would be over here. It was just a matter of time. I only allow myself a certain amount of time on the computer, but rainy days will allow me to relax my own rule. It has been snowing here most of the day now so that has a tendency to keep me inside. I did drive to the post office and with the new covering of snow over the ice, it was actually better driving that it was yesterday. We are supposed to maintain this weather pattern for a few days and I selected a chili recipe to do on Friday. This one will be regular chili though and not the 'white chili'. I need to get some more canned tomatoes and tomato sauce and green peppers or green chilis. I'm going to make a decent pot of regular chili yet.
I just read on mam hens page your retired husband is retired navy also and was stationed at Skaggs Island, sonoma when we met 42 years ago...I'm a native napan....
Its snowing here too
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Staff member
No, there is a mistake. But that's understandable. I spent two years active service during the Korean War. I joined the reserves when I was seventeen because my Dad didn't want me to go into the regular navy. But he allowed me to go into the reserves. Since I was a minor, he had to sign the papers. Since they were pulling in reservists during that time, a letter to the commandant of the 12th naval didtrict was all it took for them to call me up. I actually did intend to make the navy a career, but when my two years was up, I could see that I wasn't made to be a career military man. There was a first class petty officer aboard ship that didn't like me although I never did anything to cross him. I think it was because I was sent to gunnery school right after boot camp. I was the only enlisted man aboard ship that had been through gunnery school. They normally reserve that for people who have been in the fleet for awhile. Anyway, that guy soured me on the military and I have never regretted the decision to get out. I still spent 8 years all told in the reserves, but I never had to go back on active duty. I do have a great deal of respect though for those that have served or are serving in our military.
Welcome Randy..........good to see you............ probably know me better as Maribeth..............glad you joined. See ya........

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Staff member
Hey Mr Randy, it's good to see you here. I'm glad you're giving yourself some extra time on the computer cause your friends here were missing you something terrible.
I like this site, it's so easy to use and members are so friendly and actually carry on a conversation and respond to posts, etc. I can even posts pics with no problems!! I'm a happy gardener again!

See you in the forums.
Sounds good to me. Deb, MF has been making noises about coming down your way and checking out your new home. I'm pretty tickled about that place for you and also that Michael doesn't have to build you a new greenhouse. I'm also tickled to see another neighbor so close. Maybe that will make up for Dora leaving the area.
Wasn't it Tom McCall that had that "Welcome to Oregon, now go home" campaign? I didn't go home but I did leave lol
Dora/Garden Goddess
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Sounds good to me. Deb, MF has been making noises about coming down your way and checking out your new home. I'm pretty tickled about that place for you and also that Michael doesn't have to build you a new greenhouse. I'm also tickled to see another neighbor so close. Maybe that will make up for Dora leaving the area.
Yes, MF and I were talking about that...seems with the holidays time seems to with the weather you all and Salem area are having ...we thought we would shoot for after Christmas...although as you know anytime is good with us... on the greenhouse ,,,you and mike are thrilled to not have to build another one...seems each time we moved over the years the poor guy was building for me...LOL...
good neighbors are a blessing...but have to say wish I could have gotten togther with Dora and Bob once more before they moved...
Super Moderator
Staff member
Hey talk about home comings. Wow Randy and Nancy B both. That is just too cool. Thanks to Bob and Mainey we have a home to come to.
Hi there: Is this the same dipping salsa Randy???
Hi, there, Randy, nice to see you here with the rest of the 'family' and the new members of the 'family'. Bob has set up a great place for 'neighbours' to gather, old friends and new. Just like Anne would love. I just wish she could be part of it.

Super Moderator
Staff member
Bobbi hears from Anne pretty often. I just got a Christmas card from her a couple of days ago too. Bobbi or I could let her know of the existence of the forum and she can decide to join us if she would like.
Super Moderator
Staff member
Hey Mr Randy, it's good to see you here. I'm glad you're giving yourself some extra time on the computer cause your friends here were missing you something terrible.
I like this site, it's so easy to use and members are so friendly and actually carry on a conversation and respond to posts, etc. I can even posts pics with no problems!! I'm a happy gardener again!

See you in the forums.
As long as I have your attention, Miss Gloria, I have been watching the sourdough starter on the counter and it looks like it is finally starting to respond. I probably could have done better with it sitting on top of my refrigerator which is warm though, but I wanted to see if those flakes were still viable. It looks like they are, but it has taken far longer than I thought it would. I can always make up a new batch though and they should work better.
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Staff member
Wasn't it Tom McCall that had that "Welcome to Oregon, now go home" campaign? I didn't go home but I did leave lol
Dora/Garden Goddess
Yep, he is the one. I liked old Tom McCall too even though I was a transplant. He was also responsible for having the law passed that made all the beaches on the Oregon Coast public beaches.
Super Moderator
Staff member
I just read on mam hens page your retired husband is retired navy also and was stationed at Skaggs Island, sonoma when we met 42 years ago...I'm a native napan....
Its snowing here too
I like that area around Napa. It has the distinction of being a wonderful area for grapes. The area around us here also has that distinction. There are hundreds of vineyards in Yamhill County.
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Staff member
Hi there: Is this the same dipping salsa Randy???
One and the same, Kinnika. I haven't made any salsa for awhile though. I am going to have to have a chat with my son-in-law though. He can go through it faster than I can make it. The last batch I made, I sent 6 pints home with his sister and brother-in-law. I kept 6 for myself and gave him a full case of pints and told him that was all he was getting. But when he finished those 12 jars, he started in on what was left of my 6 jars. I still have a couple of 8 ounce jars of the same batch that I sent you though. There were a couple of fellows in PA that told this lady that there was no salsa made that was too hot for them. She told me about it and I sent her a couple of jars. They changed their mind.
...but have to say wish I could have gotten togther with Dora and Bob once more before they moved...
Ain't that the way it goes? I swear I talk to my daughter more now that I've moved than when I lived in Oregon. The phone calls have dropped off now that she got a job at Target though. Son Bill likes to chat on the phone too but then he was always a chatty one lol!
I'll be out that way in June for my graduation. Hmmmmm????
Super Moderator
Staff member
Anne has joined this forum but she hasn't been around since she joined. Sure do hope to see her more....
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Ain't that the way it goes? I swear I talk to my daughter more now that I've moved than when I lived in Oregon. The phone calls have dropped off now that she got a job at Target though. Son Bill likes to chat on the phone too but then he was always a chatty one lol!
I'll be out that way in June for my graduation. Hmmmmm????
Well, I think at least a cup of coffee or tea with a friend or to...should be a to do on your list

Debe we'll be sure to chat when the time gets closer

Perhaps even include some of the other "ducks"
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