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Debe we'll be sure to chat when the time gets closer

Perhaps even include some of the other "ducks"
Dora/Garden Goddess
You DID mean ME, right??
Welcome Mr. Randy! holy cow, look how many welcomes you've gotten already! Yikes, looks like I'm a day late and another dollar short. Ahahahhaa, so glad to see you here!
You DID mean ME, right??
Welcome Mr. Randy! holy cow, look how many welcomes you've gotten already! Yikes, looks like I'm a day late and another dollar short. Ahahahhaa, so glad to see you here!
Of course Scarez, we couldn't forget your wacky quacky self
Dora/Garden Goddess
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Staff member
Well, Kath, it was only a matter of time. There are too many people here that I want to stay in touch with and if this is where I'm going to find them, this is where I have to be.
Crabber, it's hard to imagine what the last 9 years would have been like without having my daughter and her family close by. Before we joined households, I often thought of my wife and I rattling around in our 4-bedroom home with just the two of us. This was a good move even though we do have to give up a little bit of independence. But the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Even the girls' friends call my wife and I Nanna and Papa.
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
You DID mean ME, right??
Marv said you can share his bed...

HI Randy!!!! Sure am happy you finally got here. Looks like old times are here again with all these wonderful cyber neighbors, Huh? Hope all of you with snow are all hunkered down with plenty of firewood in. We're sorta chilly here in Texas but you never do know what might happen. Supposed to be 75 for Christmas day. I'll be looking for some pictures of snow to get me in the mood!!!
Hope all of you have a safe holiday period and watch those slick roads on the way to grandma's house!!
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Staff member
Randy your letter was in the mail when we picked it up last night. It is always good to get your letter. I feel like I know your family after reading the letters over the years. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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Thank you, Lyn. David got a laugh out of it, but he also knows it is true. He told me with the two new circuits on thye west end of the house that he is planning to put lights up on the gazebo next year. And he will do it too. We may not have my other daughter with us this year though since the roads are still pretty icy.
Marie, I took quite a few pictures yesterday and you can really see why there is hardly any traffic. I'm not sure I could even back my truck out because the snow is so deep there.
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Staff member
Wow Randy, would love to see some pics of all your snow. Sounds like you have more than we do. I sure hope your daughter can make it. We're suppose to be in the 40's here tonight and tomorrow.
I got your letter too and I enjoy reading it so much. I am lucky that I have met you, MF and the daughter and family that lives with you. I can relate and visualize some of it...LOL Would love to see pics of all the decorations David has put up. Please tell them all that I'm wishing them all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yr and sending my love to all.
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Right now it is pretty difficult to get around to take the pictures. But they will be up until New Year's Day anyway and I'll try to get them. He is already making plans to enlarge his vision for next year by putting lights up on the gazebo.
Super Moderator
Staff member
I often thought of my wife and I rattling around in our 4-bedroom home with just the two of us. This was a good move even though we do have to give up a little bit of independence. But the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Even the girls' friends call my wife and I Nanna and Papa.
I think it's great.Lysle & his wife spent the night last night and it is so nice to wake up with them in the house especially on Christmas. Kids are what keep us young we live through them, and their kids. It just wouldn't be the same if you were alone. Sometimes Tim and I just sit and look at each other and all I can think is when he is gone who am I going to look at! LOL!

I guess if we don't blend our homes I'll put a mirror up in his chair.But seriously, we have ahuge house with a studio apt. and still more room. I have redesigned the house on paper to accomodate both kids and their families. I think even the house would be happy.
Merry Christmas! I bet your house is buzzing this morning.
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
It's Manna not Nanna

Right now it is pretty difficult to get around to take the pictures. But they will be up until New Year's Day anyway and I'll try to get them. He is already making plans to enlarge his vision for next year by putting lights up on the gazebo.
Ooh lights on the gazebo, that would be pretty
Dora/Garden Goddess
Hi Randy, I'm a little late on the Welcome but its nice to see you here
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Staff member
You're right, Veg. I love what Phillip calls her and so does she. Someday though he may realize what the other kids call her and then change. That would be unfortunate. It reminds me of when our oldest granddaughter used to say the color "yellow". She would say, "Lallow!" One time someone was telling her the right way to say it and I was sorry that happened as I enjoyed so much hearing her own version.
Crabber, you are on the right track in your thinking. It may take the kids time to come around. But if they can give up some of their independence, it is a pretty good arrangement. We set up our food costs almost 10 years ago and haven't changed it since the beginning. It was my idea and everyone thought it was pretty good. We all weighed and the percentage we were of the total weight of all seven people would be our percentage of the food bill. Now mind you, the three kids were all pretty small back then and didn't weigh much. Now, the oldest kid is 20 years old and considerably larger. But I am content with that arrangement anyway as Fiona and David are trying to keep the kids in the university and MF and I can ease the pressure by paying more than our fair share of the food bill. Most the time, I don't even turn in my receipts. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to