Welcome Randy

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YIPEEE Randy has registered. It made my day when I saw that he was the newest member to join. :D:D
Randy, it's like old home days here. So many of our old friends are here. It's a wonderful Christmas present from Bob.
Welcome and I'll see you around. Hugs to you and the rest of the family my dear friend.
Howdy Randy!

How Have You Been !!

Welcome and Happy Holidays!

Kale :)
Well I'll Be! I am so happy he is here. Thought he wasn't coming!!!!
Welcome Randy gald you're here.
Randy so good to see you have dropped by, hope to see you around the threads. I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Christmas season.
Welcome Randy glad you found your way to our new home it's great here especially with all old old friends getting back together.
Good morning, everyone. I was looking through the member list last evening and there are some pretty special people here. I saw NancyB in the list and if that's who I think it may be, that's like frosting on the cake. Now I'll see if this post will fly. I tried last evening and it said I didn't have permission to do that.
Okay! I tried using the quick reply and it told me again that I did not have permission to use that and I had to log in again to use the reply. I must be doing something wrong, but I'll get it figured out. Maybe I just need to stay away from the quick reply.
I finished addressing all the envelopes yesterday, Theresa. The roads are icy, but I think I will make it to the post office today. I got a few mailed yesterday when I had to take my wife to the market. I have a couple I have to take to the post office for some Canadian friends. I need to find an address for 'The Netherlands' too. I got a couple of requests from people (Jules and swindy) to be added to a "friends" list and I can't seem to make it work. It tells me that I don't have permission to do that. I'm starting to get a complex. LOL
Okay! I tried using the quick reply and it told me again that I did not have permission to use that and I had to log in again to use the reply. I must be doing something wrong, but I'll get it figured out. Maybe I just need to stay away from the quick reply.

Should work fine.... Are you blocking cookies? You have to allow cookies from this site to stay logged in and some anti-spy programs etc will block them. That's the most likely cause.
Just down on another post that your in Yamhill county..I'm in Salem and Debe is over on Lyons..We are neighbors..
Someone more to talk too
mel is a good friend I meet on another gardening site Randy....and visa versa to you mel...LOL...am I making any sence?
mel is a good friend I meet on another gardening site Randy....and visa versa to you mel...LOL...am I making any sence?

Sounds good to me. Deb, MF has been making noises about coming down your way and checking out your new home. I'm pretty tickled about that place for you and also that Michael doesn't have to build you a new greenhouse. I'm also tickled to see another neighbor so close. Maybe that will make up for Dora leaving the area.
Hey Randy

Hi Randy,
Yep, its me. Thanks to SassMuffin and Lyn and Swindy. Looks like home to me.
Hugs, Nancy B.:D
Should work fine.... Are you blocking cookies? You have to allow cookies from this site to stay logged in and some anti-spy programs etc will block them. That's the most likely cause.

As far as I know, I am not blocking cookies. I tried doing something else (edit) and that same message came up about not having permission. I had left a word out of a post and saw that it could be confusing. From that point of the message, then I had to sign in again. I'll check the cookies thing though to be sure.
Hi Randy,
Yep, its me. Thanks to SassMuffin and Lyn and Swindy. Looks like home to me.
Hugs, Nancy B.:D

Bless your heart, I thought you had escaped. You gave me an address to your website or something and I couldn't get in. I give up easy when it come to cantankerous computers. It's good to see you here. Marie has managed to stay somewhat in touch with Herbyann by phone and I keep expecting to see her pop up along my travels.

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