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I'd rather be a 'Beaver' than a 'Duck'. LOL The DJ on one of the local radio stations is an Oregon State fan and he wrote a tune with that title. For anyone wondering what this is all about, the 'Ducks' are from the University of Oregon and the 'Beavers' are from Oregon State University.
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As long as I have your attention, Miss Gloria, I have been watching the sourdough starter on the counter and it looks like it is finally starting to respond. I probably could have done better with it sitting on top of my refrigerator which is warm though, but I wanted to see if those flakes were still viable. It looks like they are, but it has taken far longer than I thought it would. I can always make up a new batch though and they should work better.
I'm starting a new starter tonight Randy..wish me luck!!! Actually I'm going to start two. One with your starter flake and one from scratch. I am going to do this if it's the last thing I ever accomplish...I am determined to make at least one good batch of sour dough bread in my lifetime. Here I go.....
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Good Luck GLoria
I have not tried mine yet, it's still in the freezer. It's cause I had totally forgot that I had it. Will have to look and make sure its still there as it's been over a yr.
Randy is it still good if I can find it?
I'd rather be a 'Beaver' than a 'Duck'. LOL The DJ on one of the local radio stations is an Oregon State fan and he wrote a tune with that title. For anyone wondering what this is all about, the 'Ducks' are from the University of Oregon and the 'Beavers' are from Oregon State University.
I'm a card carrying Beaver so I agree with you. What station did that song? I'd be interested. My son-in-law is a Duck fan. Every time the Beavers beat the Duck I have to call them to gloat lol!
If you've seen the movies Bandits there is a scene in there where Billy Bob Thorton's character wakes up mumbling "Beavers and Ducks". We all laughed at that one.
Dora/Garden Goddess
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That radio stationis KPAM and the guy that wrote that song is Bob Miller sho does the morning show. I was pretty ashamed of their performance at the Civil War game though. It looked like an entirely different team than the one that beat USC.
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Laurie, I believe that flake will still work to get your starter going, but the one I have upstairs took its own sweet time. I still have a baby food jar full of the flakes, but I think I will dry a new batch of starter and make some more flakes. I think tomorrow I will throw out the little experiment that I have going upstairs and try the old-fashioned way of getting a starter going. I will mix some flour with some water and put a paper towel over the top so it doesn't dry out so quick. There is supposed to be enough wild yeast in the air to actually begin to work on the flour and start fermentation. Summer would probably be a better time to try that, but I don't want to wait all that time either.
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Debe we'll be sure to chat when the time gets closer

Perhaps even include some of the other "ducks"
Dora/Garden Goddess
sounds good to me...just let me know the when and we all can figua out the where..

Hey there Randy! Nice to see you here.

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It's good to be here. I'm seeing some people I haven't seen for a long time.
Gloria good luck with with your sourdough started . I haven't had any good sourdough bread sence I left Calif years ago ---I really don't think you can get it on the east coast.
Hello there, Mr. Randy -- nice to see you again. --
Merry Christmas everyone -- and Happy Hanukkah to anyone who celebrates it.
I will pop in when I can. Blessings,
Hello there, Mr. Randy, Gloria -- and everyone else... -- nice to see you again. --
Merry Christmas everyone -- and Happy Hanukkah to anyone who celebrates it.
I will pop in when I can. Blessings,
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Always good to see you, Theresa.
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Good to see you T and Merry Christmas to you as well.
Thank you Randy for my card and Christmas story. I think it has fast become my favorite part of christmas! You should write a book.
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You are very sweet, and you are quite welcome. David read the annual epistle yesterday and of course, he was one of the stars of the letter. He does a lot to make Christmas around here great. He is such a good Dad and husband. We have been without phone service for a couple of days. The snow and ice took down our phone lines. I did a temporary repair and reconnected the wires and it worked, but it is only temporary. The lines are still on the ground.
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I agree with Theresa it was great and you should think about writing a book. Merry Christmas Randy.
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You are both talking about two different things, but I appreciate it anyway. Theresa is talking about the Christmas letter that I write every year and Dale, you are talking about that letter I sent to Holly. Holly is an 18 or19 year old girl that is a friend of my granddaughters'. She went away to school this year in Canada. Her parents live just about a mile or so from us here in Newberg. But when I attended Holly's graduation last June, I got to thinking about her being away from home. When I was away during my service time, my Dad wrote to me every week I was away without fail. Sometimes we didn't get mail for a few weeks, so I would get several letters at once. It meant a great deal to me though and I though that I would do that for Holly. She has sort of adopted my wife and I as substitute grandparents anyway. So I have written to Holly every week. She told me a few days back that she wants a letter even though she is home on Christmas vacation, so that is the one I sent to Dale also since she does work with our military guys and gals.
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By the way, these are real letters that I have been writing. My grandaughters and Holly's parents are communicating by e-mail, but I am sending letters through snail-mail. Holly told me that some of her fellow students are jealous because they don't get any letters. E-mail is okay, but when you are away from home, there is nothing like a real letter. I wish I had saved all those letters that my Dad sent to me back then.
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Hi Randy,
I received your letter and just as always read with great interest. I so envy you to have all those grandkids ( and your kids) close that you can be involved and add you wisdom, influance and love. I told Tim if the economy stays this bad we will need to create a commune with the kids to keep up. And you know it is a great idea and if more families practiced what you have this country would not be in the mess it is. ROSES to you and yours Randy! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to