What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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This morning it is 37 degrees out and the high will be 43. It is cold here. We are having rain and wind. It rained off and on all day yesterday. As soon as I started home from work it started raining hard again. I hate driving in the rain. Don't get me wrong all this rain we are getting is great I just hate driving on the interstate and toll roads when it is raining hard. We are under a winter storm warning until Mon. afternoon. If it is icy Mon morning they will close the school and I won't have to work. At least Mon and Tues I'm working at a school at the end of the block instead of one 20 minutes away. We are not used to temps this low. Had to find warmer cloths.lol
Had a snowsquall blow through here a our ago!
It was like a Mini-Blizzard!!
We can expect more at any time today!
Glad I do not need to go anywhere today!!
40 today, but the winds are picking up.....and its going to drop to teens tonight, but 20 for a high for tomorrow.....burr
quite a shock when I walked out the door this morning......snow was on the ground, just a dusting, the wind was howling, it was 20 but it felt like below zero with the wind....I could hardly open my door.....the wind was so strong.....we did have a high of 26 whoppee....
An Alberta Clipper is moving in quickly with gale force winds coming out of the SW!
70% chance of snow squalls this afternoon!
There is also a low coming in from the southwestern states which will more then likely bring snow for tomorrow into Weds!!!
29F going up to 32 this afternoon...
It is clear and bright here this morning in Granite Bay, CA. The temperature was 39 degrees a half hour ago.
had a wild day here today.......woke up to an inch of snow.......it continued to snow most of the day, but by 4pm it changed to freezing rain.....the roads were pretty dicey coming home, and lots of accidents this morning.....now its raining and we expect 3 inches of rain for wed with winds of 50MPH......I feel for all those traveling for the thanksgiving holiday.....hope they get to where they are going safe and sound...Im staying put.......
It snowed last night and off and on all day!
Been having steady light snowfall for several hours now!
More on the way overnight with heavier snowfall by morning!
Weather here has been great. It looks like the same pattern for the day. There are some clouds in the sky but not many. It was 37 degrees when I got up but will warm up into the high 50's for a high temperature.
Sunshine and flowers here in Granite Bay, CA. It has been this way every day we have been here so far. The temperature has been reaching the high 50's each day so it's quite pleasant being outside.
Wish I was there Randy!

19F with 6+inches of white stuff on the ground!
Light winds out of the NE.....
Might get up to 27F with the mostly sunny skies...
41 with a light wind out of the south!
....all the snow we got the other day is gone!
60% chance of showers this afternoon.
Good morning. We are finally back to normal. It was 60 this morning when I woke up and it is to be in the upper 70's this afternoon. We have a 20% chance of rain, it is partly cloudy this morning, There is no wind and I can wear flip flops again. What more could you ask for on the count down to Christmas?
It is 58 this morning and going up to 81 this afternoon. I'm not sure if the front will get here tomorrow or Thursday but it is coming and back to those old cold weather. Got all the lights put up and ready for Christmas so I'm ok with the cold coming back. I just hate to put the lights up in the cold.

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