What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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We are having hoizontal snow with the 40+mph winds out of the WSW!
Hard to tell how much snow is on the ground with these gusty winds!
There's around 2"s on the deck but that is out of the wind!
21 feels like 9 with the windchill..
It is 35 and cloudy this morning and is supposed to get up to 50 with sunny skies this afternoon. We are tired of the cold already. back to nice warm weather we hope.
19 and sunny here this morning......the snow stopped for now.......keep hearing about this big storm this weekend......doesnt sound like its going to be kind to us.....they are talking feet.....
21F with winds out of the west.
60% chance of more snow today from squall activity off the lakes!
This is definitely January weather!!!
Icebanks are forming all along the shoreline with these cold temps!

Yes Woodie!!
We are in for it this weekend with a double low pressure system!
We are looking at 6-10"s for Saturday with added squall activity off the lakes!!
We warmed up yesterday to 33 degrees and it felt pretty good compared to previous days. But this morning we were back down to 17 degrees. I need to catch up on the forecast though as I have some errands to take care of but I can put them off if it looks too threatening. I have a physical therapy session this morning but that is fairly close. The sky is overcast so we could get freezing rain or snow. Snow I can handle but with freezing rain I won't step out the door. Like MG says, you can hit the ground at any moment and I surely can't afford that.
86F here today.....water temp was 73F.....great beach and fishing weather. Hope it warms up for you all soon!
Winds out of the west with a windchill of -9!!!!
Mostly cloudy with the threat of squall activity of the lakes....

Wish I was there John!!!
Winter came early and looks like it will be staying!!
Wombat, how wonderful to see you around..........maybe we should all come to your place for a week or two to warm up......

19 this morning, sunny and no wind.......Im hearing the same Ron......and its not making me very happy....this is jan weather...
Yup Woodie!
January came way too early!!
9F with a good wind out of the west.... windchill -11!!!!!!!
At least it's sunny now...
The icebanks have grown since yesterday, and looks like the mallard ducks have left for warmer open water!
It warmed up to slightly above freezing yesterday afternoon. The thermometer was back down to 20 degrees when I checked this morning though. The weather guessers are saying that we will get out of the freezing pattern for a few days with the lows about 33 degrees and the highs in the mid 40's.
20 this morning, with light wind.........they are talking of 30 hours of snow activity, starting today......how exciting......NOT!!!!
Yes Woodie! We are in for it!
Will be starting sometime this evening with the storm system.
Will be getting snow from the storm, plus lake effect snow!
How much: 12+ inches with lots of blowing around! It is the + plus that worries me!!
We had freezing but clear and sunny nearly the whole time we were gone, and I was so hoping it would snow! we got to enjoy about a week of the freezing sunny weather, but it clouded up and warmed up to well above freezing about 4 days ago. I am so jealous of all the snow everywhere. Even in the city of Vancouver which is not that far from us they got a good few inches of snow! It is 37F right now with rain :( my least favourite weather!! Every trip we take down to California makes me realize more and more just how much I dislike the rain!! I find it very depressing!
I can usually handle the wet weather for most of the wet season, but by the time March rolls around I am pretty tired of it. It started to sprinkle yesterday afternoon and the temperature was still below freezing but the temperature started rising about the same time so there wasn't the disaster I was anticipating. We had a little ice here at home but the roads stayed open. It is above freezing this morning for which I am grateful. We do have an overcast sky though so I expect that we will have rain and so do the weather guessers.
they have upted the anty on the snow around here now.......its a foot plus.....so it should be an interesting weekend....I have lots of running around tomorrow morning, so hope to get all done, get home and hole up until its over with.....
Hey there Ron I'll blow some warm air your way! Nice to see you too young Woody:) Stay safe and warm boys and girls......another hot sunny day here, just got back from the beach early as there's a hailstorm comming....typical wet season here now hot humid and storms most nights
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John, wish I was there!

Winds are out of the east, with light snow falling.
The bulk of the the snow will fall later on today.
Looks like we will be getting around 12"s here, but other areas around 20"s.
13F with a windchill of -8!!!
John, wish I was there too!!! woke up to about 2 inches, and ran out the door with my coffee.....got all my running around done and back home by 11am......Im in for the long haul now......think Ill entertain myself by making some coq au vin for supper......maybe later make some cookies.......we expect the heavy stuff late tonight......an inch an hour......should make for an interesting morning sunday.....NOT!
We are at 49 and are going to 54 today but will be in the 70's next week. can't wait to have good ole Austin weather back.
its coming down fast and furious now.......and winds are howling.....looks like a winter wonderland.....but I wouldnt mind if this missed us......

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