What's the weather in your area? 2014 Edition

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We've been getting lots of snow in the mountains but only rain here in the valleys. It has been moderately heavy during the night and this morning with a temperature about 50 degrees.
a quiet day here......lots of snow south of me, so I lucked out....whew......still bitter cold......
7F with hazy sunshine.... some snow, probably a dusting for today!
Temps will start to go up ....19F for the high as a warm front passes through!!
14F overnight, 21F for the high tomorrow, .....36F by Friday!!!!!
Hopefully we will be at normal temps for March in another week!!!
Snow hit up above here a few miles, Lots of rain here with temps in the low 40's..hope today for a bit of a breat
11 here but feels like -3 with the wind.......overcast as well......its not going up much from here today......hope next week we start to see warmer temps....think its about time......we so deserve them this winter
got up to 20 but it sure doesnt feel like 20.....Ive never seen so many depressed people around here this winter.....everyone is so sick of this cold weather and longing for warmer temps.....but when will they come?????? not this week.....
It was 44 degrees when I left the house for the rehab place and it warmed up some more after that. The clouds came back but we didn't get any rain yet.
14F overnite and 21F tomorrow afternoon!!!
I'm even sick of talking about this winter!
It is getting so old, and I'm worn out!
...and all that white stuff is still out there with occasional flurries to add to the total!!
The predicted rain started last evening and it has been raining pretty steadily since then. The temperature isn't as warm as yesterday but it is still 52 degrees so I'm not complaining.
it was 25 today, and now we have wind and snow flurries.......tomorrow will be zero or minus.....and maybe a warm up starting friday afternoon....into next week....I hope they are right....Ive had enough!!!
Same as Debe. I have been able to get about without a jacket though and that has been nice.
28 today and sunny.....every one thought it was nice out???? are they crazy??? or just used to the cold now....also got my heating bill and it was a whooper!!!

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