Ground breaking at B & D lil acre a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I know I've been REALLY quiet here recently. I've been working hard to finish up my Master's thesis and then to top that off I got a new job. It's a good thing because I actually get to use my degree (adult ed/Org Development). While all this is exciting stuff it has meant little time for keeping in contact with all my wonderful internet friends...Heck even Bob, my fiance', hardly remembers me at this point lol!

So last weekend I actually finished my thesis which means I now have time to start my first garden in Iowa. Yesterday Bob and I broke ground on three new beds. We started with a sod cutter so we can use the sod in other areas that are a little bare or uneven.

The first bed wraps around the deck and will have a water garden as part of it. The other two are the beginnings of my border garden. Since my back border is about 150 feet we decided to do it in stages. One bed is one end and the other bed is the other end. Gradually the two beds will be extended and meet to form one long back border garden.



  • South side of deck bed.JPG
    South side of deck bed.JPG
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  • West side of deck bed.JPG
    West side of deck bed.JPG
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  • North side of border garden.JPG
    North side of border garden.JPG
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  • South side of border garden aka The Grove.JPG
    South side of border garden aka The Grove.JPG
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  • New pond shell.JPG
    New pond shell.JPG
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Congrats Dora on finishing school, the new job and the new gardens, please keep us in pics as the progress continues
say hello to bob for me, i bet he is glad school is done too
what are you going to plant in your gardens?
Well I've got primrose lilac, yellow butterfly bush, euphorbia (Jessie) for the north side of the border garden. I've got some salvia started from seed I that I think will set off the yellow quite nicely. I want some witch hazel and sweet shrub for The Grove.

For the deck bed I have some canna, and lobelia for around the water garden. I've also got autumn lollipop, rudbeckia prairie sun and cherry brandy, coreopsis sunfire and sunrise, crazy daisy, cat mint (walker's low), agastache, galardia burgundy and dazzler, echinechea double decker (from seed so we'll see what we really get) sundown,summer sky , a variety of lillies of course, Jacob cline monarda,

In the front bed I have day lillies, Japanese iris, jacob's ladder, and globe flower.

Whew, I think that's all for now lol!

Bob says to pahk the cah ;-)

Dora/Garden Goddess
Bob says to pahk the cah ;-) I did.....LOL :D:D
If I make it out to Oregon like I would like to next yr, I'm going to miss seeing you both. :mad:

Dora/Garden Goddess

Wow that is alot, you've got a great start and hope it all comes out well for you
Keep the pics and updates coming
It sounds like a great plan and like you have a lot of wonderful plants to start out with so it'll soon be gorgeous. I'm just starting from square one myself this year, so I'll be eager to see the progress you're making. I bet it's gonna be spectacular!
Oh Dora must be so proud of yourself...Why to go!!!!...and the garden beds sound like they will be and Bob work to hard...tak e a break now...LOLLook forward too seeing more pictures of the projects...and you two this summer...:D
Oh Dora must be so proud of yourself...Why to go!!!!...and the garden beds sound like they will be and Bob work to hard...tak e a break now...LOLLook forward too seeing more pictures of the projects...and you two this summer...:D

Thank you, thank you :) I think I miss named this thread. I think I should have named it back breaking at the B and D lil acre lol! I spent two hours moving and placing sod...OY! My back is definitely feeling it!

Ah Spring gotta love it :)

Dora/Garden Goddess
Dora congratulations on your finishing your degree and getting a new job. Wow that is a lot of work right there and now a new garden. Your beds look great and all the plants should be real happy in their new home.
Not sure what I did on my previous post. Looks like I edited your post as my writing is in your post then quoted it or something. Who
Take it easy Dora, it doesn't need to be all done at once. I'm sure once the plants start blooming it will look awesome
Congratulations on the thesis and the new job. I love the shape of your beds. The pond and the list of plants are bound to make your gardens beautiful. Your fur baby is cute.
Thanks everyone :)

Bernie my fur baby is my constant companion out in the yard :) She was a muddy mess this weekend. She was too muddy to even take upstairs to get a bath. It was to chilly to hose her off so we cleaned her feet in a small pot in the kitchen lol.

Dora/Garden Goddess
Dora, congratulations on the job and the thesis! I know you are proud, and should be!

Now, the garden! What fun!
Congratuations Dora, You didn't tell us what the job is? The degree sounds like it qualifies you as an Extension Agent.
Wow, what a nice big yard, and looks like it's needing a loving gardener. And I see you're being properly supervised there, in the first picture.

My new job is as senior trainer for service center reps for Allied/Nationwide insurance. So far I'm really liking it :) Not only do I get to teach I get to talk to a bunch of folks to market our training department and of course improve the program. Fun stuff :)


Yep it really needs a loving gardener and Jessie, my fur baby, loves to supervise my efforts lol! She watched over me this afternoon while I was digging out a big chunk of concrete from where my pond is going. Bob thought I should give up but I prevailed lol

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