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Hubby tilled part of the lawn we are redoing, then we started picking rocks and weeds, then the dumpster came with top soil for us to put on the spot. that's me on the dirt pile, my DD calls me Queen of the Dirt...
Thanks everyone, hubby bought one of those 2 wheel-wheelbarrows and new shovel for this job. I love the dirt, hubby calls me dirt digger. I think I know how I want my planters and herb garden to be, so hopefully it will all work out. OH the extra wheelbarrow and shovel are for guests so come on over and play.... LOL. : )
I'll be up in the morning. The weather is going to be beautiful these next few days so you should have a grand time playing in the dirt. I really wish I was closer as I would come over.
Thats wonderful Karen! Even though it is a lot of work if you are anything like me, you love the yard work and making things come alive like you want them and shaping the yard as you desire. God bless your adventure
Crabbergirl an, An 09 tour would be lovely. But I don't think my hubby would let me, he likes me close by at all times and makes sure I have lots of dirt of my own to play with (as you see in the photos), that way I don't wonder out of our yard to far. LOL
Bernie, men will always be men when it comes to being able to use some sort of large tool to do the work, it's just a guy thing. I have to smile at all that dirt I keep wondering why we got so much,LOL
Well after some back breaking shoveling and racking we got the topsoil all spread out, the seed is down and hay on top, and watered. Hubby got one raised box put together yesterday and I started lasagna gardening in it and will finish it this week, this one is for some veggies.I'll post more pic's tomorrow.
Bernie if I had time to rest it would be great. But between the yard, my green house business and the house and family i go like sixty and rest at night like a log.
my fedora, I went to the chripractor today and got my back relined, and it feels great, he said even my diaphram was out of wack. so I will take it easy for a few days and get back at it on monday. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to