Updated Trade List

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my hibiscus


The top hibiscus with the full flower, the blooms get about 7 inches across. I want to get some other colors. I just have the red now. I got a cutting from someone last year, I am rooting it but not sure what color the blooms will be. Of course those pictures are from last year since they have not bloomed yet this year :)
When do you usually do your cuttings? I do usually do mine at the end of the summer to early fall and root them in my garage over the winter to be planted in the spring. I need to get some cuttings off it for someone else also. Which one are you interested in?
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I would like both if you don't mine. I will prune mine at the end of the summer also. I rooted the yellow ones for someone else. It took two tries. I will post pics of the red one later.

The red one is not the hibiscus. I though it was.


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I will be glad to trade cuttings I would Love to have a variety of colors!
I would Love to have your top red one...I have the bottom one.
Just remind me and we will make a trade!
And this offer goes for anyone who wants in on a hibiscus trade!I will cut them all back in the fall! but may be able to take some cuttings before then?
I have some of the dbl red cuttings rooting now!
You have some nice hibiscus, would not mind getting some cuttings. I have a couple, will have to post pictures later.
I will be glad to trade cuttings I would Love to have a variety of colors!
I would Love to have your top red one...I have the bottom one.
Just remind me and we will make a trade!
And this offer goes for anyone who wants in on a hibiscus trade!I will cut them all back in the fall! but may be able to take some cuttings before then?
I have some of the dbl red cuttings rooting now!

I would like a double red rooted cutting Treva and I have a yellow rooted one for you and a red cutting I will put in your box. I will look at your other ones.
I will be up for trading some cuttings in the fall :)

Dor, both of yours are hardy? I am in NC and it gets to cold for the tropical variety to survive outside.
Yes both of mine are hardy. Here's the red one.


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    tn_Red Hibiscus.JPG
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A friend of mine had one that was orange with a fushia throat. Unfortunately it didn't survive the winter. Would anyone know the variety of this color?
would Love to trade with you, I will send the dbl red anything else?
I would Love a cutting from your yellow and red, if I could?
I will be leaving on the 10th so I will get this done before then!
My mother has not been doing well and I need to see her.

I would like a double red rooted cutting Treva and I have a yellow rooted one for you and a red cutting I will put in your box. I will look at your other ones.
I would LOVE your Lady baltimore! Both the Luna and Large hardy pink are doing great but to early for cuttings do you think?
I am not sure if I can do cuttings now, but am willing to if you think this is a good time?
Let me know?
Treva - I am interested in the Luna and Large Hardy Pink. We both have the Texas Star :) The other red one that I have, I believe is Lord Baltimore.

Not sure about taking cuttings now, unless you are planning to cut it back to make it bushy. I would wait until fall after the blooming season is over. Mine cannot be cut now any way they are just starting to sprout.

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