What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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Our weather is changing too Randy, not as warm, but still super foggy. They are saying we will get sunny and clear finally on Sunday, but we will also get colder. I would like to get into November before my impatience plants get taken down by frost :)
we had two chilly windy days.....today its a bit warmer, but not by much.....still its sunny so thats a good thing.
We are getting hammered with a very intense windstorm with winds coming out of the SW!
Started around 2 a.m and has been intensifying since!
Winds gusts are around 60+mph! The lake level has been rising and is over 12"s higher then the norm, and are expected to continue to rise as the winds continue!!
The canvas top on the gazebo is shredded (I forgot to take it down yesterday...no great lose since it was old and needed to be replaced)
It was hard to sleep with the howling winds and torrential downpours, as well as the house shaking/vibrating with the peak gusts!
45F with a high of 48 expected!
had some sun today, after the fog burned off. supposed to be about the same for the next while, except the fog will finally be gone so hopefully we will get some more sun on us! still mild here. Day number 20 with no rain :) yay! Epic year for autumn foliage and mushrooms this year :)
wow Ron, sounds like a wild ride for you.......we had some of those winds the past few days, but today looks calmer......45 and sunny this morning......but not going up much past 50......
I took this at about 9 this morning, so yes they were right the fog is gone! yay! now we have 3 days to enjoy the sun before it starts to rain again (probably until next may :( )
very pretty smiley.....
30 this morning and there was some frost on the cars earlier this morning.....the wind has stopped for now.....tired of fighting the leaves at the front door.....hope everyone has a super great day......
It was a wild time here on the lake Woodie!

Yesterday was nice with no winds!
40F going up to 46 this afternoon
Light winds out of the NE.
32F tonight...I better pick what is left of the green tomatoes this afternoon...
We had two days of sporadic rain, but I see there are no clouds in the sky this morning. The sun wasn't quite up yet but probably is by now. It is 43 degrees out there right now.
Nippy 31F!!!
Mostly sunny with the usual clouds out over the lake.
Light winds out of the NE...
Should get up to 45 this afternoon....
Same here, Janet. It didn't get below freezing in Portland but it did in the outlying areas. It was 29 degrees when I stepped outside this morning but we will get up to the mid 50's during the day.
Another beautiful sunny day, went for another long walk and took lots of pictures. I simply can not believe how beautiful the autumn foliage is this year!! the frost was heavier this morning but it warmed up nicely for our walk. They are saying it will come to an end on Thursday :( It is very dry out there, the water level in my pond has never been so low at the end or even beginning of October! Truly an autumn I will remember :)
37F with sunny clear skies...
Going up to 54 this afternoon..
Good day to get in the gardens and do some cleaning up.
An intense Colorado Low will move in tomorrow bringing strong winds out of the SW pulling warmer temps up into our area.
High tomorrow will be 65 with gale force winds and heavy rain starting in the afternoon....
that wind wont stop here, its been going on and off for 6 days now.......the humidity has now gone up, and some rain coming our way.....
We have some clouds this morning but so far they are sparse. The temperature was 28 degrees when I looked before sunrise and we will get up into the mid 50's today.
its 50 here this morning and foggy......we had some rain last night, but lots more to come today.....the wind has stopped for now.
Winds out of the SSW and raining!
Wind speed is 24 mph for now, the stronger winds will be later on today and overnight!
I think it is everytime I go out and sweep off my nice new driveway....it makes the wind blow :p Can't sweep today though because it rained last night, maybe will go hose it off instead. so yes....some rain, which of course warmed up the temps a bit so no frost.
It rained here last night but we just had the overcast during the day. I was out and about doing my errands and was quite comfortable without a jacket. But I am wearing a flannel shirt.

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