What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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it rained all night and its still raining........high winds lateron......60mph......should be an interesting day.....
Been howling here all night with a sustained wind of 50mph with 60+mph peak gusts!
The lake level is a good 2 ft higher then the norm with the surge effect of the winds coming out of the WSW!
The rains have finally stopped and have been getting some sun peeking through the clouds..
November is certainly starting with a roar!!!
We had a quiet day here. We had between 9 and 15 inches of rain here in Austin on the 30th. It is still flooding south of here. We are getting all this rain this fall but we didn't have any to speak of during the last year. We will be getting more rain the first of the week it looks like. I'm not in an area that floods so I'm fine.
Well it feels like winter here (our winter) raining, dark, only got to 46F today, down to 34F tonight. Yuck!!! We had such a glorious October I should not be complaining, but I can't help it. November is such a gloomy month here.
Glad you are safe Lynn.
Feels like winter here this morning!
Should be sunny today, but only going up to 57 this afternoon!

Hope everyone turned their clocks back one hour last night!
We ended up with a bonus day of sun after our wintery day yesterday!



Does anyone know what this shrub is? I want to get one for my garden, it is a stunning display in the fall. you can see it
has various fall colors of these little fruits and it is still flowering! Actually, never mind I found it! Arbutus canariensis or Canary Madrone.
Native to the canary islands, spain, and Australia. These have been growing in our municipal building/library grounds for a few years now,
and have not gotten overly large. Makes sense they are a type of arbutus now that I compare the bark, and the much smaller berries on
the regular arbutus trees we have every where here.


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22 this morning with our first heavy frost........only 40 today as a high.......a preview of whats to come.....
It is 57 this morning and raining again. It is supposed to be less than 1/2 inch today. the temps will stay in the 60's this afternoon,
Beautiful pictures, Janet. We are overcast, I think. It was still dark when I cam down here in the basement. The weather guesser is saying that we have a 70% chance of rain though with a 43 degree temperature. That's typical for this time of year.
Im hating coming home in the dark.....it was only 39 today and very windy....making it feel alot colder......not liking this weather at all.....!!
Love your photos Janet!

It's warming up now that the winds are out of the SSW!
46F ...going up to 54!!
Partly sunny, the clouds should clear out later on this morning..

Should be able to get more of the deck stained this afternoon.... using an oil base tinted treatment in a light greyish color! Started doing the railing on one side last last week on a warm day, then had to stop.... hoping to get the other two sides of the railing done....
We are solidly overcast today with sporadic rain. The current temperature is 53 degrees. That's up a few degrees from yesterday.
chilly but no wind today finally after a weeks worth of whipping winds.......only 40 but felt better without the wind..
Yesterday was wonderful and got some staining done on the deck!
Rain on the way for today as a frontal system moves in,,,,
Should get up into the low 60's this afternoon!
It looks like we will be in the same weather pattern for about the next ten days; overcast wit occasional rain. The nighttime temperature dropped down into the high 40's and it will warm up into the low 50's during the day.
No change here. The temperature is up a few degrees to 56 but we are still overcast with light rain falling.

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