Heart Healthy Recipes

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Randy, the quinoa has to be rinsed before eating it, as it supposedly is bitter if you don't. I rinse it, then toast it, then add water and cook it like rice. I usually get a recipe from Recipezaar.com.
That is one of the grains we learned about at our diabetes support group. I have seen it at the market too.
I forgot, Curbie, although I had some of it in my hand. But that particular evening I had about 20 samples of grains to look at.
I honestly didn't know there are 20 types of grain. I thought everything is 'multi-grain'. (kidding) corn, wheat, oats, barley, rice(is rice a grain?) ~ What I don't know could keep you busy forever. ~
I don't really have any recipes for these but I have been having alot of smoothies. The fruit is in peak season right now. I got peaches, pluots, cantaloupe, orange flesh honeydew, crenshaw, watermelons (red and yellow), and grapes the other day. I am in heaven right now with all of this fruit. I have been making the smoothies and eating fruit salads, and tomatoe sandwiches, salsa, bruchetta....oh my gosh it has been so good!
Just popping by to say that this healthy eating is paying off. I am down 15 pounds since January. I think that our trick has been to stay away from most things 'white', ie, white flour, white sugar, etc. Mostly for supper we have been eating a protein of some sort and lots of veggies. We eat mostly grains, yogurt and fruit during the day and are trying to remain more active. I went picking raspberries and blackberries the other day. I just spent the last 2 days making enough spaghetti and tomato sauce for the next year. A lot of work, but I just don't like the stuff from the store. This way I can control the salt content too.
We are eating vegetarian once or twice a week now, which is alright by me.
Oh, we were just in Ontario for a week for hubby's neices wedding and went to the Bulk Barn where I got all kinds of funky grains for us to try. I got some Buckwheat Groats to make some breakfast cereal from. I tried them in the microwave but all they did was make a mess and never got soft enough to eat. I think that I will mix them with steel cut oats next week and cook them on the stovetop. It takes a bit of time, but I have the time and I can make enough for a week and just reheat them in the microwave, add fruit and a little brown sugar and away we go.
I bought three pounds of Quinoa a couple of days ago. I'm going to try that as a hot cereal. It takes awhile to cook also and I may do a batch and the use the microwave to reheat. Depending on flavor, I may mix it with brown rice as it cooks the same. One quarter cup of dry quinoa will provide 28 grams of carbs. Total carbs is 31, but 3 of that is insoluble fiber. I learned about quinoa at our diabetes support group.
Randy, I know the steel cut oats are great reheated, so it is worth the time if I can make enough for a week. I haven't tried the Quinoa as a cereal yet, but made a nice cold salad with it. I fed it to the Germans when they were here, ha, oh well, noone complained. I had everyone on the regemin with us...they all eat out so much that a healthy meal is welcome, I am sure.
My normal morning cereal is a cold cereal, but with cooler weather ahead, I want to shift to the hot ones. I will look for other ways to use the quinoa also. A search will come up with all sorts of stuff.
Glad to see some interest in this thread again. I was just at the doctor this morning and my glucose levels in my blood dropped 60 points in 3 months! I am almost at normal, only ten more points. I think that I am saying goodbye to type 2 diabetes!! Now I am going to get a Y membership and start swimming. It is so easy to eat right when both hubby and I are onboard. Now he eats all of the whole grains that I make, and we are whole grain bread converts. I guess that some people would see making a change as a drag, but I have found it fun and healthy. I do still crave junk, and cave in sometimes. I hate having halloween candy in the house and going to weddings and get togethers. But, we are doing great and supporting each other, that is what is impt.
I still can't find this~ ROAR! "quinoa". YEAH JADE!<!<!<!<!<!<! Congrats! I stick to the outside aisles in the grocery store and straggle to toilet paper and laundry detergent :) Halloween is damaging so get the kids there EARLY ~ A bag for YOU and a bag for YOU and now we have no candy :)
I still can't find this~ ROAR! "quinoa". YEAH JADE!<!<!<!<!<!<! Congrats! I stick to the outside aisles in the grocery store and straggle to toilet paper and laundry detergent :) Halloween is damaging so get the kids there EARLY ~ A bag for YOU and a bag for YOU and now we have no candy :)

HeeHee Curby, I like that idea. Curby, you live only an hour or so from me...try whole foods, there is one in near you, I can bet on it. My sister is in Columbia. Just type Whole foods in your search engine and I bet there is one close to you.
I missed a good opportunity last Friday when I made stew. I tossed in a cup of brown rice and I forgot I had that quinoa. I would normally have used barley, but I didn't have any. I'll get some before my next stew making effort though.
We actually have Whole Foods by our PetSmart (45 minutes) and we have Roots (my goodness, I typed 'Rots') within 15 minutes. I LOVE barley. So 'kinqintous' ( : ) ) is like barley? ok....i'll stop being annoying for a moment ~
Curby, I make a good hot breakfast with a mix of steel cut oats and groats, then I mix in a little brown sugar and milk and frozen blueberries.
That to me is perfect (even though I don't know groats so I will go to Whole Foods :) ) In my humble opinion, blueberries,pecans, and cranberries are the best things on earth. I guess I'm a fruits and nuts and vegetable kinda person ~no, I am not a vegetarian. My Mom used to say,"Your body will tell you what you need." But I always laugh when I think~ YOU need to get OUT OF MY WAY......oh...... :)
Hubby will be in Germany and Brazil for most of November, so I will take the opportunity to do the extremely healthy diet. Curby, wanna go to whole foods with me? There are none in our area so I have to go to Maryland if I want to see what they are all about. I am not happy about travelling on 81, but I must get over my fear. Let me know.

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